It’s been over a year since we first heard of the Coronavirus and it has been nearly a year since the first COVID-19 case touched Connecticut. As of January 20th there have been 232,219 cases with 6,726 deaths in just our state alone. If this past year has shown us anything, it has highlighted not only our resilience as a country but as a citizen of the world. During this time, people put aside their differences and made sacrifices to protect one another. At Opal Stork Home Care we remain committed in protecting your loved ones by providing them with compassionate care while staying safe.

As we work with the most vulnerable population of this virus, we ask that all of our caregivers limit their interactions with non-family members and non-essential services and refrain from attending large gatherings. All Opal Stork Caregivers are required to wear a mask and face shield while working directly with a client. As the COVID-19 vaccination is now available in the state of Connecticut, all of our caregivers have been prioritized to receive the vaccination,. Though we can not mandate that our caregivers get vaccinated, some of our them have already received their vaccination while many others have made their appointment.
While we continue to hope for the best in relation to this pandemic, we do have to maintain a safe working environment for the clients, caregivers, and staff of Opal Stork Home Care. Here are some protocols and recommendations that we have procured.
As an Opal Stork Home Care Live-in Caregiver, you are expected to get tested every time you return to a client’s home after a break and anytime you experience COVID-19 related symptoms. We ask that you send your COVID-19 negative result to the Opal Stork office via, fax, e-mail, or postal mail.
As an Opal Stork Home Care Hourly Caregiver, you are expected to get tested once a month and anytime you experience COVID related symptoms. We ask that you send your COVID-19 negative result to the Opal Stork office via, fax, e-mail, or postal mail.
As an Opal Stork Home Care Staff Member, you are expected to get tested once a month and anytime you experience COVID-19 related symptoms. We ask that you send your COVID-19 negative result to the Opal Stork office via, fax, e-mail, or postal mail.
As an Opal Stork Home Care Client, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible if you have a confirmed COVID-19 case in your home. We do have caregivers that are willing to work with a COVID-19 positive client but not all caregivers can for various reasons so we may need to swap your regular caregiver with one that can work with a COVID positive client.
As any Opal Stork Employee
If you have COVID-19:
Alert the office staff immediately as we have to relay your status to all OS clients you have encountered within the past two weeks. You are expected to quarantine for 2-weeks before you take another COVID test. You are not able to return to work until you have received a COVID negative result.
If you have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19:
Alert the office staff immediately. If exposure lasted longer than 15-minutes and was not socially distanced with a mask, we ask that you take a COVID test as soon as possible. You are not able to return to work until you receive a confirmed COVID negative result.
If you have been exposed to someone who may have COVID-19:
Alert the office staff immediately. If you have been around someone who is asymptomatic but has yet to receive their COVID test results, we ask that you stay home until you receive a COVID negative test result. If you have spent at least 15-minutes with an asymptomatic individual who was around someone who has tested positive for COVID, we ask that you stay home until you receive a COVID negative result.
If you have traveled outside of the state using public transportation such as buses, trains, and airplanes:
Upon your return to the state of Connecticut, please get tested for COVID-19. You are unable to return to work until you receive a COVID negative result.
While we know that these requirements can be frustrating and tedious, it is important to remember that we work with a population that is most vulnerable with the symptoms. This is why regular testing and consistent communication with office staff is important. We strive to minimize the spread of COVID while protecting both our clients and essential health care workers.
We appreciate your compliance during this unprecedented global pandemic.
Read the CDC’s COVID Screening to see whether you are fit for work.